
Pro Victims Justice through an Enhanced Rights Protection and Stakeholders Cooperation


– Design and promote methods and tools to ensure victims of crimes receive proper  assistance, know their rights and procedures when accessing the justice system from an early contact with the investigators until the end of the trial.
– Strengthening victims’ position in the justice framework through exchange of best  practices / transfer of expertize / cross-border networking among several countries.

Expected Results

– Increase legal practitioners and other service providers’ knowledge to ensure assistance to victims when accessing the justice system.
– Ensure transferability of expertize among several member states judicial systems.
– An improved victims’ access to their rights when accessing the justice system, as result of a strengthened multi-disciplinary cooperation and networking among stakeholders.

Target Group:

– Lawyers, prosecutors, judges, auxiliary courts staff, police officers.
–  Ministry of Justice, Bars, National Unions of Bars Associations, Governmental Agencies and NGOs specialized in providing assistance to victims of crimes.
–  Victims of crimes.

Workstreams / Activities:

– Management and coordination of the project
– Inventory of competent stakeholders to ensure victims’ rights protection and assistance when accessing the justice system in Romania, Bulgaria, Germany and Sweden (researchers meeting, data collection, survey report, stakeholders’ online platform).
– Produce a referral mechanism paper and victims of crimes rights booklet, in domestic and cross border cases (referral mechanism tool, victims’ rights booklet, transnational experts meeting in Hannover Germany and Uppsala Sweden)
– Multi-disciplinary stakeholders’ seminars in Romania and Bulgaria
– Dissemination activities (launching conferences in Romania and Sweden, project’s website, press releases/newsletters, final conference in Romania).