Association Pro Refugiu is a Romanian non-governmental organization with office in Bucharest city, focused on protection of victims’ rights, legal aid, trainings for professionals, develop research and studies. Implemented during the years projects with the support of European Commission Programs. The organization is member of the EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings, FRANET (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Network), Global Alliance against Trafficking in Women. It collaborates with multiple institutions and NGOs from Romania and from other EU member states.
Center for the Study of Democracy is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization, with office in Sofia city, focused on provide an enhanced institutional and policy capacity in the area of justice and home affairs; promote reform and democratic values. Member of FRANET, with strong expertize in monitoring the implementation of legislation and of practices related to victims’ rights protection.
Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony with office in Hannover city, it has as objectives to strength crime prevention, to offer a platform for transfer of knowledge and information on this topic, to cooperate at national-international level with institutions that have as objective the protection of victims’ rights.
Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers is a Swedish non-governmental organization with office in Uppsala city, focused on promotion, protection of human rights in Scandinavia and Europe. The organization is member of FRANET.
National Association of the Romanian Bars with office in Bucharest city, is the legal entity of public interest under which coordination are functioning all the Romanian Bars.